donate here

Current ways to donate ;

  • Bank transfer: You can make a bank transfer to our UK Charity Bank account using your mobile banking app
  • Online card payment: You can make an online card payment using our secure payment system
Donate By Credit or debit card

You can make an offline donation by sending funds directly to the Zobia Trust account by Faster Payments through your bank.

Our Bank details are as follows:

Account Name: Zobia Nazley Memorial Trust
Sort Code: 30-97-97
Account Number: 00920566

Reference: Please reference your donation with ZN- and then the purpose of your donations (i.e: Zakat, Fitra, Sadaqah, Khairat, Fidya, Lillah, Kaffara or General)

If paying from outside the UK, you might need these additional details:

IBAN: GB79TSBS30979700920566

Your donation is greatly appreciated!


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